Thank you for giving us a place to meet

We met on PS about one year ago. She contacted me first, but I was on a long vacation and missed the message. A few weeks later, I saw her message and rushed to get in touch.

We contacted several weeks, including emails, texts, phone calls, and facetime. Then we decided to meet in person. Yes, it’s a wonderful and amazing weekend together. After that time, we both knew that something incredible happened in our lives.  Definitely, we have found our perfect match.

Actually, I shouldn’t have been so surprised. I was always looking for a perfect relationship which can work for me. What I didn’t imagine is that a perfect relationship for me is also perfect for her too.

After several months of getting to know each other, we talked about marriage. Both of us are so glad and excited to join our lives together. On some points, it can be called my dream life.